Chapel Children
Every Sunday morning and Wednesday night we provide a safe environment for children from birth through 6th grade where they can learn about Jesus and connect with each other. We have multiple activities throughout the year for our children to fellowship and grow in Jesus.
Nursery care is available during worship and Sunday School staffed by two adult volunteers. We love having younger children in worship and hope they will participate along with the big kids in our Children’s Message during our service. Feel free to keep them in worship for its entirety or you may exit the sanctuary and visit the nursery at any time.
If you are in 7th-12th grade, we would love to have you as part of our youth program! They meet every Sunday morning at 11:15 and also on Wednesday nights. Special events and fellowship opportunities are always popping up. Come grow with us!
In addition to Sunday School classes, Andrew Chapel Church adults also gather for mid-week bible study following our Wednesday Night Fellowship meal.
The ladies of Andrew Chapel minister to others and promote spiritual growth in so many ways. They host bible studies, hold fellowship events, visit and deliver goodies to our sick and shut-ins, provide meals for the bereaved, and so much more.
Join their Circle of Grace Bible Study on Wednesdays at 9:30 am.
Andrew Chapel Church takes our worship on the road twice each month to share with the residents of The Preserve.
We are not a large congregation, but our commitment to sharing the love of Jesus is.
Andrew Chapel Church is committed to being the hands and feet of God. That and the acknowledgement that our outreach may be the only Bible some will ever read reinforces our efforts to help meet local needs as well as those across the world.
Some of Our Mission Projects-
Water wells
Center for Pregnancy Choices
Operation Christmas Child -