Our Mission
Our Mission The Body of Christ, a fellowship of believers, the Community of faith. Instituted of God in Christ, together we strive to worship Him and to serve one another. We are the People of God, …
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Position Andrew Chapel Church is a congregation of conservative, evangelical Christians in the Wesleyan Arminian tradition. Our faith is grounded in the infallible, inerrant, inspired Word of God. We believe …
Andrew Chapel Church is a congregation of conservative, evangelical Christians in the Wesleyan Arminian tradition. Our faith is grounded in the infallible, inerrant, inspired Word of God. We believe that the scriptures are God's revelation of Himself to us, as well as the rule of faith, containing all the truth necessary for faith and Christian living.
We believe that God has revealed Himself in three distinct persons... the Father, the source of all life; the Son, the mediator of God's life; and the Spirit, the extension of God's life to us. This 3-in-1 God has made us for fellowship with Himself.
In order for sinful man to know and experience God, we must first accept God’s plan of salvation for us. The sacrifice of Jesus for the sins of the world is the only way to the Father. As Jesus said, “No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6). As God draws the sinner, through what is called prevenient grace, the sinner turns to God, repents of his sins, and rests in Christ as his Savior.
When saving faith is active, God’s response is threefold. First, God forgives all sin (justification). Second, God breathes His life in the soul that is dead in trespasses and sin (regeneration, Ephesians 2:1). Now that God’s life is at work in the soul of the born again Christian, God accepts him as His own, and the Spirit witnesses to his spirit that He is born of God (Adoption, Witness of the Spirit, Romans 8:15, 16). God’s saving grace is continued as His sanctifying grace. Sanctification begins with regeneration and is culminated in entire sanctification. A true life of holiness is impossible without the inner cleansing of our nature by the Spirit’s fullness.
We believe that Christians are meant to be an active part of the body of Christ. The Church is where encouragement, spiritual growth, and the development of spiritual gifts occur. The Church’s purpose is also for equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry. Our community, our nation, even our world, is our responsibility. As John Wesley stated, "I consider all the world as my parish." The Church, therefore, is to be the physical manifestation of Jesus to its community and world. This is accomplished by the indwelling Spirit empowering the saints to continue the ministry and publish the message of Jesus.