Our Mission
The Body of Christ, a fellowship of believers, the Community of faith. Instituted of God in Christ, together we strive to worship Him and to serve one another. We are the People of God, but we are still “on the way.” Sinners one-and-all, we confess that our hope is in Him who died for us all. Condemning no other faith, we are convinced by the history of God’s saving actions the in Christ we have found the Most Perfect Way To Truth and Life. It is in this earnest conviction that we go out into the world to witness to the Gospel wherever and whenever and in whatever manner we can. United in the love of Christ, blessed by the power of the Holy Spirit and sustained by the Grace of Almighty God, we are the Church.
Believing that God’s love is available to all men in every circumstance of life and that we are the extension of Christ in the World, we are dedicated to meeting the needs of our community whatever those needs may be. Therefore, we visit the sick and shut-ins; make ourselves available to others in time of crisis: share in each others joys and sorrows: counsel and console the troubled; and prayerfully seek the fulfillment of God’s kingdom - where his people shall neither hunger nor thirst.